English GCSE and English KS3 resources by a lead practitioner. Everything I upload is tried and tested by both myself and my English Department. I always appreciate feedback, so please do leave a review if you get chance.
Leave a review and choose any other single resource for free! Just get in touch at info@englishgcse.co.uk
English GCSE and English KS3 resources by a lead practitioner. Everything I upload is tried and tested by both myself and my English Department. I always appreciate feedback, so please do leave a review if you get chance.
Leave a review and choose any other single resource for free! Just get in touch at info@englishgcse.co.uk
AQA English Language Paper 2 bundle that has recently been revamped and updated. Every lesson took around 7-10 hours to make and includes modelled answers, scaffolds, differentiated activities, sources, engaging activities to open up challenging Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 and Q5 (Non-fiction writing) tasks to all students.
The bundle contains 20+ resources that cover both Section A (Nonfiction reading) and Section B (Nonfiction writing) so you know you’ll be looking at the whole exam.
The lessons contained are:
Introduction lesson that looks at travel writing (Q1, Q2, Q4) - Armitage and Dickens
Lesson on Donald Trump article that covers Q1 and Q3
Lesson on travel writing (Rory Stewart, Dorothy Wordsworth) that covers Q1, Q2 and Q3.
Summary writing lesson that looks at Dickens and a Unicef speech
Crime and Punishment lesson on Q1 and Q2
Crime and Punishment lesson on Q2
Crime and Punishment lesson on Q3
Crime and Punishment lesson on Q4
Paper 2 walking, talking mock that uses the theme of crime and punishment
Section B opening and ending articles
Newspaper article writing / writing to explain
Magazine article writing / writing to argue
Speech writing (Winston Churchill)
Speech writing (Barack Obama)
Paper 2 exam preparation lesson
Paper 2 revision lesson (Florence Nightingale)
Escape room revision lesson
Paper 2 Section A knowledge organiser
Paper 2 Section A exam practice pack
Florence Nightingale themed Q1-Q4 lessons
Bundle (20x 1hr PP, differentiated tasks throughout using new GCSE numbering system) All tasks differentiated according to new GCSE numbering system, this bundle is designed for the New Spec AQA Language Paper 2. Complete 1 hour, well differentiated lessons, with worksheets where applicable. Suitable for KS4 or adaptable for KS3 Different level tasks for MA,LA or Core Designed to fit Ofsted criteria for’ Good’ or above.
Edexcel English Language Paper 2 pack that includes modelled examples, differentiated activities, worksheets, annotated notes for teachers and students and more. A complete scheme of work pack for Paper 2 Section A.
Introduction to Paper 2 Q1, Q2, Q3
Introduction to Paper 2 Q4, Q5, Q6, Q7
Bias and Perspectives for Q1, Q2, Q3
Exploring Q1, Q2 and Q7 (a) - summary skills
Exploring Q4, Q5, Q6 - critical evaluation skills
Synthesising and summary skills for Q7a
Summary skills - similarities. Q7a and some language analysis for Q3.
Synthesising and similarities
Q3 - language and structure analysis lesson
Q7b lesson - comparing texts
Section A walkthrough, including scaffolds, exam questions, texts and more
Recapping language techniques
Bias and perspectives in two non-fiction texts (Florence Nightingale theme)
Upgrading language analysis
Exam practice pack with ANSWERS
Escape room revision lesson
Paper 2 Section A knowledge organiser
Differentiated homework pack (six weeks!)
Please note that this pack covers 19th, 20th and 21st century texts.
TWENTY fully resourced hour long lessons to prepare students for Section B or Question 5 of the AQA English Language Paper 1 exam, but easily adaptable for other specifications.
The lessons provide students with modelled examples, mark scheme analysis, visual stimuli, sentence starters and differentiated activities to prepare them for writing their own pieces in exam conditions.
Descriptive Writing Introduction
Descriptive Writing - Zooming in
Sentence Types
Building Tone
Using Colour
Dashes, Semicolons and Colons
Past and Present Tenses
Language Techniques
Sentence Openers
Sentence Openers (Lower ability)
The Middle of Narratives (Structure)
Descriptive Writing Examples and Analysis
Descriptive Writing Practice
Improving Descriptive Writing Review
Understanding Genre
Understanding Character Through Description
Narrative Writing - Narrators and Perspectives
Endings to Narratives and Descriptions
Exam Practice Pack
Knowledge Organiser
A collection of TWENTY TWO English Language Paper 2 Question 5 lessons (22x 1 hour) that cover writing to argue, writing to advise, writing to persuade, letter writing and essay writing.
A great collection of differentiated activities, modelled examples, scaffolded sentences and guided peer and self reflection that enables students to learn from others and improve their non-fiction writing in preparation for AQA English Language Paper 2 Section B or Question 5.
Keep checking your downloads as I will keep adding more and more to this bundle.
The suggested order of lessons is as follows (although this is by no means obligatory):
AQA Paper 2 Section B Speech Writing
Speech Openers
Churchill Speech Writing
Lincoln Speech Writing
Speech Structure
Newspaper Writing
Magazine Article Writing
Writing to Persuade - Football
Royal Wedding Writing to Argue
Greta Thunberg Climate Change speech lesson
Black History Month - Writing to Explain
Fox Hunting - Essay Writing
Writing to Advise
Letter Writing - Writing A Formal Letter
Writing to Persuade - Letters of Complaint
AQA English Language Exam Prep/Mock prep lesson
Language Paper 2 Section B Reflection (To be tied into an assessment - this will be revamped shortly)
Pack also contains:
Assessment planning for writing to argue - could be used as a separate writing to argue lesson
Assessment planning for letter writing - could be used as a separate letter writing lesson
Paper 2 Question 5 revision pack
Knowledge organiser for revision
June 2018 AQA exam review lesson if you use this paper as a mock/prep.
Available for single teacher licence or unlimited teacher licence so you can share with all your colleagues.
Animal Farm model answers for the AQA English Literature papers.
Currently includes:
2017 - Snowball and leadership
2017 - Ending as shocking and unexpected
2018 - Squealer
2018 - Revolution
2019 - Moses and Benjamin
2019 - Failure of rebellion
2021 - Boxer as a sympathetic character
2021 - Old Major’s speech
2022 - Pigs and language
2022 - Snowball as a hero
2023 - Seven commandments
2023 - Snowball’s defeat
Edexcel English Language Paper 1 Section A scheme of work with differentiated lessons, knowledge organiser AND exam practice pack that helps both KS3 and KS4 students prepare for the rigours of EDEXCEL English Language Paper 1 Section A. Includes opportunities for students to develop their own styles of writing as well as analysing a plethora of extracts in preparation for their terminal examination.
Includes resources on:
Selecting key quotes/facts
Understanding sentence forms
Language features
Register and Tone
Creating Tension
Structure and structural techniques
Critical evaluation
Analysing Structure
Character and Structure
Character and Language)
Creating Drama and Tone
Language Analysis
Sentence Structures
1984 (Structure)
1984 (Critical Evaluation)
Remarkable Creatures (Structure)
The Monkey’s Paw (Endings)
Rebecca (Q1, Q2, Q3)
Rebecca (Q4)
Rebecca Q4 Model Answer (Q3 covered too)
Structure Techniques
Section A revision knowledge organiser
Mock and mock review lesson with indicative content
Exam practice pack with five exam papers and ANSWERS
AQA English Language Paper 1 materials. TWENTY hours worth! A collection of well differentiated lessons and revision materials to prepare GCSE students for AQA English Language Paper 1: Explorations In Creative Reading And Writing, prepared by an Outstanding-rated English specialist and Lead Practitioner.
Lessons included:
AQA English Language Paper 1 Introduction
Falcons (Language and Character analysis)
Birdsong (Language and Character analysis)
Reluctant Fundamentalist (Language and Structure analysis)
Spies (Language and Structure analysis)
The White Tiger (Character evaluation)
Structure lesson (I’m the King of the Castle)
Structure (Beginnings and Endings)
Section A Walkthrough (Mock exam paper, indicative answers, success criteria, exam tips)
Revision pack (All Section A questions and Section B tips)
Descriptive Writing Introduction
Descriptive Writing (Zooming In and Structure)
AQA English Language Paper 1 escape room
Analysing descriptive writing examples (Jamaica Inn and Little Dorrit)
Language techniques recap
Section B assessment planning lesson
Paper 1 Section A and B Walkthrough
Jamaica Inn Mock Review (Based on specimen exam paper)
Paper 1 Section A Knowledge Organiser
Section A exam practice papers and answers
Eduqas English Language Paper 1 Section A scheme of work with differentiated lessons.
It includs a knowledge organiser AND exam practice pack that helps both KS3 and KS4 students prepare for the rigours of EDUQAS English Language Paper 1 Section A. Includes opportunities for students to develop their own styles of writing as well as analysing a plethora of extracts in preparation for their terminal examination.
Includes resources on:
Selecting key quotes/facts
Understanding sentence forms
Language features
Register and Tone
Creating Tension
Structure and structural techniques
Critical evaluation
Analysing Structure
Lessons included:
Character and Structure
Character and Language
Creating Drama and Tone
Language Analysis
Sentence Structures
1984 (Structure)
1984 (Critical Evaluation)
Remarkable Creatures (Structure)
The Monkey’s Paw (Endings)
Rebecca (Q1, Q2)
Rebecca (Q5)
Rebecca Q5 Model Answer (Q3 covered too)
Section A revision knowledge organiser
Mock and mock review lesson with indicative content
Revision guide
Model answers for both English Language papers for June 2019 and both English Literature papers for May 2019 (An Inspector Calls x2, A Christmas Carol, Macbeth, Power and Conflict, Unseen Poetry)
ELEVEN AQA English Language Paper 2 revision resources including:
Knowledge organisers x2 (Section A and Question 5)
Escape room revision lesson
Paper 2 walkthrough
Travel writing themed walkthrough for Section A
Exam revision pack
Exam practice pack for Section A - including answers (Useful for mock exams)
Exam practice pack and revision guide for Question 5
AQA English Language Paper 1 materials. TWENTY hours worth! A collection of well differentiated lessons and revision materials to prepare GCSE students for AQA English Language Paper 1: Explorations In Creative Reading And Writing, prepared by an Outstanding-rated English specialist and Lead Practitioner.
Lessons included:
AQA English Language Paper 1 Introduction
Falcons (Language and Character analysis)
Birdsong (Language and Character analysis)
Reluctant Fundamentalist (Language and Structure analysis)
Spies (Language and Structure analysis)
The White Tiger (Character evaluation)
Structure lesson (I’m the King of the Castle)
Structure (Beginnings and Endings)
Section A Walkthrough (Mock exam paper, indicative answers, success criteria, exam tips)
Revision guide (All Section A questions and Section B tips)
Descriptive Writing Introduction
Descriptive Writing (Zooming In and Structure)
Punctuation lesson
Analysing descriptive writing examples (Jamaica Inn and Little Dorrit)
Language techniques recap
Section B assessment planning lesson
Escape room revision lesson
Jamaica Inn Mock Review (Based on specimen exam paper)
Paper 1 Section A Knowledge Organiser
Section A exam practice papers and answers
Edexcel English Language Paper 1 Question 5 and 6 complete lesson pack that covers all aspects of descriptive writing, narrative writing and creative writing to prepare students for Paper 1 Q5 and Q6 questions and tasks.
Introduction to descriptive writing
Zooming in on pictures to aid description
Using sentences and sentence structures
Building tone
Using colour in description
Punctuation recap: dashes, semicolons, colons
Past and present tenses lesson
Language techniques for descriptive writing
Sentence openers
Personification and similes - lower ability
Structure and narratives
Descriptive writing practice
Analysing creative writing examples
Improving descriptive writing
Genre lesson
Characters through description lesson
Narrative writing example
Endings analysis
Huge Imaginative Writing revision and exam practice pack
GCSE English Literature answers:
A Christmas Carol - May 2017, May 2018, May 2019
Power and Conflict - May 2017
An Inspector Calls - May 2017 (x2), May 2018 (x2), May 2019 (x2)
A Christmas Carol - May 2017, May 2018, May 2019
Edexcel English Language Paper 2 Section B or Question 8/9 complete scheme of work that covers writing to argue, writing to advise, writing to persuade, letter writing and essay writing and more.
A great collection of differentiated activities, modelled examples, scaffolded sentences and guided peer and self reflection that enables students to learn from others and improve their non-fiction writing in preparation for Edexcel English Language Paper 2 Section B or Question 8 and Question 9 (Q8/Q9).
Keep checking your downloads as we will keep adding more and more to this bundle.
The suggested order of lessons is as follows (although this is by no means obligatory):
Edexcel Paper 2 Section B Speech Writing
Speech Openers
Churchill Speech Writing (Language)
Abraham Lincoln Speech Writing (Language, Structure)
Speech Structure
Newspaper Articles
Article Writing (Space exploration theme)
Writing to Persuade (Football theme)
Greta Thunberg Climate Change lesson
Black History Month (Writing to explain/essays)
Writing to Advise lesson
Writing formal letters
Writing to Persuade (Letters of complaint)
Review writing lesson
Paper 2 Section B mock preparation lesson
Writing to argue assessment planning
Writing a letter assessment planning
Exam practice pack
Knowledge organiser
Eduqas English Language Component 2 Section B complete scheme of work that covers writing to argue, writing to advise, writing to persuade, letter writing and essay writing and more.
A great collection of differentiated activities, modelled examples, scaffolded sentences and guided peer and self reflection that enables students to learn from others and improve their non-fiction writing in preparation for Eduqas English Language Paper 2 Section B.
Keep checking your downloads as we will keep adding more and more to this bundle.
The suggested order of lessons is as follows (although this is by no means obligatory):
Included so far:
Eduqas Component 2 Section B Speech Writing
Speech Openers
Churchill Speech Writing (Language)
Abraham Lincoln Speech Writing (Language, Structure)
Speech Structure
Newspaper Articles
Article Writing (Space exploration theme)
Writing to Persuade (Football theme)
Greta Thunberg Climate Change lesson
Black History Month (Writing to explain/essays)
Writing to Advise lesson
Writing formal letters
Writing to Persuade (Letters of complaint)
Writing to argue assessment planning
Writing a letter assessment planning
Review writing lesson
Paper 2 Section B mock preparation lesson
Exam practice pack
Knowledge organiser
Eduqas English Language Paper 1 materials. A collection of well differentiated lessons and revision materials to prepare GCSE students for Eduqas English Language Paper 1 20th Century Literature Reading and Creative Prose Writing prepared by an Outstanding-rated English specialist and Lead Practitioner.
Resources included:
Eduqas English Language Paper 1 Introduction
Falcons (Language and Character analysis)
Birdsong (Language and Character analysis)
Reluctant Fundamentalist (Language and structure analysis)
Spies (Structure and language analysis)
Evaluation and language lesson
Structure lesson
Beginnings and endings - structure
Paper 1 Section A Walkthrough
Creative prose writing introduction - description
Creative prose writing examples - analysis
Punctuation workshop
Language techniques recap
Creative prose planning / assessment lesson
Paper 1 Section A knowledge organiser
Paper 1 Section A exam practice pack (with ANSWERS)
Escape room revision resource
Paper 1 mock and review lesson with ANSWERS
Eduqas English Language Component 1 Section B scheme of work with differentiated activities, modelled answers, knowledge organiser, exam practice pack and more.
Creative Prose Writing Introduction
Exploring Setting and Description
Using Sentence Types
Using colours
Dashes, semicolons and colons
Language techniques for describing characters
Sentence openers
Writing description - lower ability
Structure and narratives
Creative prose writing examples
Creative prose writing practice resource
Improving creative prose writing
Narrative perspectives
Knowledge organiser for Section B
Exam practice pack with modelled answers
Edexcel A Christmas Carol designed for English Literature Paper 2.
Includes the following lessons:
Introduction to the text
Historical context
Stave one language analysis
Fred and Scrooge character analysis (Stave One)
Marley’s Ghost - language analysis (Stave One)
Marley’s message (Stave One)
The Ghost of Christmas Past (Stave Two)
Fezziwig (Stave Two)
Fan and Belle (Stave Two)
The Ghost of Christmas Present (Stave Three)
The Cratchits (Stave Three)
The Next Visits (Stave Three)
Stave Four - Part One
Tiny Tim and Scrooge - Stave Four
Stave Five - The End
Exam practice pack (10 questions)
Exam question review
Key quotes
Knowledge organiser for revision
Eduqas A Christmas Carol designed for English Literature Component 2.
Differentiated lesson packs on all five staves/chapters
A knowledge organiser
Exam practice pack with ANSWERS
Mock exam and review with detailed notes
Key quotes revision
Analytical paragraphs lesson
Context lesson